Dr. JerryScheidbach
Dr. JerryScheidbach
Why Christians Should Rule the World!
— a shocking statement!
But our Founders did not think so. This nation under God was built upon Christian principles and our Founders warned that our liberties would not be safe in the hands of ungodly rulers. Satan has most of the world in his power! Don't let him take America too. Join me in God's War, the battle for America. (Use the Contact us form to request our radio/podcast schedule, and live-stream visits.)
My father was born in Arkansas and grew up in Texas. My mother was born in Alabama and grew up mostly in Georgia. They met in Georgia after my Dad got out of the Navy. After the wedding, they settled in California. I was born about a year later in Lynwood, CA. My Mother's family moved to Silver Springs, FL. We traveled from CA to Georgia, and Florida almost every year, and Dad moved us all to live near his family in Katella, Georgia, a few miles outside of Columbus. My maternal grandmother had a profound spiritual influence on my life.
God's War is a unique book in many ways. It's scholarly, without being obscure; it's passionate, without being syrupy or flowery; it's amazingly deep, but the author takes care to never leave the reader behind. It is written in a well structured, easy-to-follow fashion. The Summary is a great way to get an overview of the message of God's War and a taste of the author's skill at explanation.
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"Dr. Jerry Scheidbach has provided a tremendous resource for Christians interested in 21st Century revival. Pastor Scheidbach lays out a strategy for God's people to reclaim this land."
~ Dr, Paul Chappell
"In his latest book, God's War, Dr. Jerry Scheidbach expounds on complex subject with remarkable clarity. It is an encyclopedia of information about the Sovereignty of God, the Priesthood of the believer, and the spiritual war we are engaged in every day. A War is raging! God's War teaches us how to win, and bring America back to God."
~ Dr. Benny Beckum
"Our friend and the gifted Dr. Scheidbach shares an intriquing, scholarly and clear call to God's people in these perilous days. God's War is a pure and Biblical perspective of God's great power and love, Satan's tyrannical scheme, and the Christian's responsibility and liberty to influence our world for the Lord Jesus Christ."
~ Dr. John Wilkerson
A taste of Jerry's prose!
"Gabriel and Michael, swords drawn, their mighty hosts in rank behind them, all stood ready. The two angelic princes kept one eye fixed on the Creator’s Hand, watching for the signal to begin the charge. The other eye watched Satan and his devils. Anxiously, Gabriel cast a glance at Michael who looked back with fire in his eyes. The mighty host from the battlements of Heaven watched while devils lept from one to another of Christ’s enemies. Desperately, they cajoled Jesus to pray the prayer that would initiate the last great battle—the torrid clash that would destroy the earth and all mankind—the Apocalypse!"
~ page 105-106
The One Hour Watch!
"Jesus struggled to His feet and returned to where He left Peter, James, and John and found them sleeping. He reproved them: 'What, could ye not watch with Me one hour?' and commanded them: 'Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.' And He warned them: 'The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.' Returning to where His blood had mingled with the garden dirt, He knelt, and, with resignation, He accepted the Father’s terms: 'O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done.'”
~ page 104
Earth Is the Battleground!
"Our commission is to be salt and light in this world, to charge the gates of hell in full armor, to swing the Spirit's sword, which is the Word of truth."
~ page 104
Christians Must Resist!
"We do not need to take the kingdom by force; it is ours already. We need only to assert our possession of the kingdom on behalf of the King. However, we must resist every effort of the spirit of antichrist working through the children of disobedience to silence us, or to deny to us our God-given liberties. Understand that in America, we live under a Constitution that recognizes our rights, and we must take full advantage of the privileges of our citizenship. We must stand up to the bullies trying to take these liberties from us, and in standing up to them, we must speak up and aggressively appeal to the protection of our laws."
~ Page 431
America At the Tipping Point!
"The tipping point occurs when the divinely ordained power not only fails to judge evil, but also becomes a facilitator of it. When the divinely ordained power becomes a defender of evil, it will necessarily be an enemy to good. That's the tipping point! America is very close to the tipping point. In fact, I believe this upcoming election (2020) will either push this 'nation under God' into judgment, or it will turn back from judgment."
~ page 403
Satan Has No Right to Rule!
"Christ Jesus defeated Satan. He spoiled principality and power. Christ's unfaithful priests have yielded to Satan any place in this Earth that he presently holds."
~ Page 352
Satan On the Prowl!
"Meanwhile, Satan prowls the air seeking any on earth he may devour. Sadly, he has found plenty to eat. Many Christians are only too willing to give him place in the earth. And Satan has gotten so much place in the earth today that Christians are about to lose their place in it."
~ Page 352
Ground Zero In God's War!
"Ground zero in God's War is no longer in the throne rooms of great rulers. It's the churches. Jesus bequeathed to His churches the keys of the kingdom, and into His disciples the Spirit of Christ—the Spirit of Liberty! Jesus 'walks in the midst' of His churches. It's up to us!"
~ Page 373
Jesus Is The King!
"The thesis of this book is simple. When Jesus arose from the dead He declared: 'All power is given unto me, in Heaven and in Earth.' The word power is the same word Paul used when he said, 'All power is ordained of God.' It refers to authority to rule. We believe what Jesus said. All governments are under God whether or not they acknowledge it. Jesus is the KING, and all mankind are His subjects."
~ Page 130
Devils Are Defeated By Prayer And Fasting!
"Jesus said some 'kinds' of devils can only be overcome by prayer and fasting. Such devils control much of the earth today. But no longer! God's warriors must rise us, submit to God, and resist the Devil. Jesus promised us he will flee!"
~ Page 171
The Spirit of liberty or the spirit of tyranny?
"The Spirit of liberty and the spirit of tyranny always work against one another. Christians, in whom is the Spirit of liberty, are the only vehicles through which genuine liberty will enter the world. This means; first, we must preach the Gospel to turn sinners from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God. And, second, Christians need to be filled with the Spirit of God and allow the Holy Ghost to move through them into the world. When genuine Christians rule, freedom and liberty will be afforded to all. When the wicked take rule in any nation, they drag that nation out from under God, and the inalienable rights of humanity are usurped. Liberty only prevails where you find the Spirit of the Lord in the ascendancy. Wherever the spirit of Antichrist prevails, there will be oppression."
~ Page 191