God's War

Why Christians Should Rule the World!

— a shocking statement!


But our Founders did not think so. This nation under God was built upon Christian principles and our Founders warned that our liberties would not be safe in the hands of ungodly rulers. Satan has most of the world in his power! Don't let him take America too. Join me in God's War, the battle for America. (Use the Contact us form to request our radio/podcast schedule, and live-stream visits.)

Hello! I'm Dr. Scheidbach, a soldier of Christ, a follower of the Lamb. It's time for Christ's soldiers to take America back for God! See you on the battlefield in God's War! ~


My father was born in Arkansas and grew up in Texas. My mother was born in Alabama and grew up mostly in Georgia. They met in Georgia after my Dad got out of the Navy. After the wedding, they settled in California. I was born about a year later in Lynwood, CA. My Mother's family moved to Silver Springs, FL. We traveled from CA to Georgia, and Florida almost every year, and Dad moved us all to live near his family in Katella, Georgia, a few miles outside of Columbus. My maternal grandmother had a profound spiritual influence on my life. 

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God's War is a unique book in many ways. It's scholarly, without being obscure; it's passionate, without being syrupy or flowery; it's amazingly deep, but the author takes care to never leave the reader behind. It is written in a well structured, easy-to-follow fashion. The Summary is a great way to get an overview of the message of God's War and a taste of the author's skill at explanation. 

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What other men of God are saying:

"Dr. Jerry Scheidbach has provided a tremendous resource for Christians interested in 21st Century revival. Pastor Scheidbach lays out a strategy for God's people to reclaim this land."

~ Dr, Paul Chappell

"In his latest book, God's War, Dr. Jerry Scheidbach expounds on complex subject with remarkable clarity. It is an encyclopedia of information about the Sovereignty of God, the Priesthood of the believer, and the spiritual war we are engaged in every day. A War is raging! God's War teaches us how to win, and bring America back to God."

~ Dr. Benny Beckum

"Our friend and the gifted Dr. Scheidbach shares an intriquing, scholarly and clear call to God's people in these perilous days. God's War is a pure and Biblical perspective of God's great power and love, Satan's tyrannical scheme, and the Christian's responsibility and liberty to influence our world for the Lord Jesus Christ."

~ Dr. John Wilkerson